Kapha Dosha

Kapha Dosha

Kapha is recognized by its attributes: cold, wet, heavy, slow, dull, static, smooth, dense and cloudy.

In its normal state, it is responsible for firmness and stability, maintenance of bodily fluids, lubrication of joints, and such positive emotions as peace, love, and forgiveness. When it is aggravated there will be a loss of digestive power and an accumulation of phlegm and mucous. There will be a feeling of heaviness and exhaustion. There is pallor, cold, looseness of limbs, difficulty breathing, coughing and excessive desire for sleep.

It lives in the chest, throat, head, pancreas, ribs, stomach, plasma, fat, nose, and tongue. Its chief location is the stomach. This is where it accumulates and causes disease, and can be directly expelled from the body.

Constitutional Traits

Kapha people usually have well-developed bodies, but can tend to carrying excess weight. They have broad expanded chests, and their skin is thick enough to hide the veins and tendons. Their bones are not prominent and their muscles are well developed.

Their complexion is most often fair, white or pale. Skin tends to be soft, oily, moist, and cold. Hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. Their eyes are dense, black or blue in color, and the white is large and attractive. The conjunctiva is not red.

They have low steady appetites, slow digestion, and take smaller amounts of food. They move slowly. Their stool is soft, may be pale, and evacuates slowly. The have moderate sweat, strong endurance and good stamina. They sleep soundly and sometimes excessively, and are often healthy and contented.

They tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving, and loving. They can also be prone to greed, attachment, envy and possessiveness. They have slow, but definite comprehension. It takes a long time to understand, and that knowledge is retained.

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